Shi Naseer received her
PhD in Theoretical Physics from Harvard University, USA, 2019;
MASt in Applied Mathematics from Cambridge University, UK, 2014;
B. Advanced Science from Macquarie University, Australia, 2013.
Her PhD thesis:
Analytical Steps Towards the Observation of High-Spin Black Holes
Her PhD defense:
Her published papers:
Photon Emission Near Extreme Kerr Black Holes
Critical Emission from a High-Spin Black Hole
Polarization Whorls from M87* at the Event Horizon Telescope
A YouTube channel where she posts theoretical/mathematical physics talks at the graduate level and above: GraduatePhysics.
Lecture Notes
A course on black holes by Prof. Andrew Strominger (her advisor!).
An introductory course on string theory (without requiring knowledge of quantum field theory) by Prof. Paul Townsend.
A lightning revision of a first course in quantum field theory (in preparation for loops and renormalization) by Prof. Washington Taylor.
Notes on the path-integral (the basics and some tricks).
Notes on Feynman rules and scattering.
A graduate-level quantum mechanics course by Prof. Cumrun Vafa.
Cambridge University’s Part III of the Mathematical Tripos
DAMTP early PhD admission exams:
Past final exams can be found here. Below are some solutions to them (the conventions often changed to those of the 2013-14 lecturers’):
Quantum Field Theory: 2013; 2012; 2011; 2010; 2009.
Symmetries, Particles, Fields: 2013.
General Relativity: 2013; 2012; 2011.
Applications of Differential Geometry: 2013; 2012.
String Theory: 2013.
Definitions in differential geometry from Symmetries, General Relativity, and Applications of Differential Geometry.